Brycus: Jardin, Maison et Bricolage
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Idées pour le recyclage des bouteilles usagées

28 mars 2020

  One of the major problems of today's society is pollution. The destruction of the planet, the extinction of flora and fauna are of total actuality and fruit of this concern a different decoration movement was born, where the materials used are the protagonists. Recycling, an action in favour of the planet, has become a movement that promotes great decoration ideas and allows the creation of unique and unrepeatable elements that, in addition to helping to reduce the amount of waste generated, provides a fun and surprising moment giving free rein to creativity.

    Plastic is one of the most widely used materials today due to its ease of handling and modeling. As a result, plastic waste is increasingly accumulating and has become a real concern. In order to contribute a grain of sand in the fight against this situation, below are some Brycus Ideas that allow you to enjoy surprising and different decorative elements, using plastic bottles that have already fulfilled their main function. The best way to give a new life to these bottles and to obtain a different decoration and of total actuality.

          -Potters. To make flowerpots with plastic bottles is very simple, since to work this material is very easy. The first step to make this decoration work is to draw on the bottle the sketch of the motif that will have the pot. It is highly recommended to opt for flowerpots in the form of animals with some characteristic such as big ears as they will give the flowerpots a much more endearing and fun aspect. With the help of a brycus cutter or scissors, the sketch is cut out. Once the bottle has been cut, the desired colour is painted and the last details are drawn with an indelible marker. If you add a string or a chain you can enjoy a hanging flowerpot.

         -Umbrella stand. Having a place to leave your umbrella when you go home on a rainy day is essential to keep your home clean. With the help of plastic bottles you can make an original and practical umbrella stand. The first step is to choose the bottles that best adapt to the umbrellas you have. Small bleach bottles are usually the most suitable as soft drink bottles can be too wide. The neck of the bottle and the bottom of the bottle should be cut off. Later they are attached to a wood and this to the wall to enjoy a practical umbrella stand.

         -Plastic cups. One of the best Brycus ideas for bottle recycling is to create plastic cups. To make these cups you need plastic bottles and a CD, which will be used as the base of the cup. With the help of a brycus cutter or scissors, the bottle should be cut into two parts. You can cut in a straight line or give free rein to creativity and draw waves or shapes that will remain on the edge of the glass. The bottle is covered with its cap and this is glued to the CD. Then paint the color you want. Applying a silver or gold paint will allow these glasses to be used on specific dates.

         -Curious jeweller. The lower part of four bottles is used to make this jeweller. Specifically, it must be cut at a distance of about five centimeters from the legs of the soft drink bottles, obtaining pieces that simulate concave flowers ideal for storing small items such as bracelets or rings. Next, a hole must be made in the central part of these pieces that we have cut and a rod must be passed through them. Each of the pieces is fixed to a certain height of the rod and prevented from moving with the help of nuts. Finally, the rod is fixed to the ground using one of these pieces of plastic placed in reverse position to the previous ones. The whole structure can be painted in a desired colour.

         -Hanging earrings. Taking advantage of the property of the plastic that allows to mold it easily applying a little heat you can get very nice shapes suitable to create unique earrings. The first step is to cut some plastic circles. By applying heat with a lighter, different shapes can be created. By adding a metal ball and an earring attachment you can get ideal accessories for the summer.

Idées pour le recyclage des bouteilles usagées

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